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I’ve closed down my Facebook profile for a while…

In the wake of the terrible election results, it felt like a good time to take a long break from Facebook. I couldn’t control the will of the American people, but I could control my social media.

I’ll catch you up with what I’ve been doing.

First, both Benita and I have retired, and we love it. It’s just us and our cat, Annie.

I’ve taken a series of art classes at the Indianapolis Art Center, one on portraiture, and my current one on landscape painting. Both of these are great artistic specialties to learn, and both have also leveled up my acrylic painting game. I’ve also regularly been attending the Indianapolis Figure Drawing group, which meets twice per month, to hone my figurative art skills. I’ve kept meticulous notes on my progress on all fronts, because to write them down is to lodge them in my long-term memory better.

As a fantasy artist, my ultimate goal is to understand acrylics and landscapes well enough to create realistic fantasy work. You know, based on realism, but with swords and dragons and imaginary stuff.

I have not been working on my latest novel, but have devoted the rest of this year to working on Aorlis. The Realms of Aorlis Fantasy Setting is getting closer to publication all the time.

There is more to write about, but I’ll get to it in good time.


Side Note–This is a cover I did not long ago for the excellent folks who publish Chivalry and Sorcery.

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