It’s been a struggle this week to process the news in this country and get my bearings, I won’t lie. I know it’s time to dredge up my personal grit and face the future with determination. Maybe later, I’ll put on my history hat and write about what is going on a macros scale. Not this week. This week, it’s banal stuff.
I’ve set up a pretty complete set of galleries on my Worldanvil Aorlis site. You can find it here in the galleries listed under the World Codex. It includes most of the work that was included in my recent art book, plus everything since then. It’s all my medieval and fantasy material, but none of my Johnny Saturn material. To be honest, the idea of writing about vigilantes and violence in the modern world is something I’m not comfortable with currently. Sorry. Recent events have taken the joy out of it.

I’ve been doing a lot of my painting in acrylic gouache, and it’s a great medium. It is very similar to normal, heavy body acrylic paints, but the gouache dries smoother and a smidge darker, or chalkier. I’ve been going back and forth between both types of paints, often on the same painting, and both mediums seem to work together well.
I know this post falls into the short and sweet range, but that’s okay. I’d rather blog more often with fresh topics.