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Guided View And Other Mysterious Subjects

Hi, Everyone!

Big Announcement: “Johnny Saturn: Synns of the Father” is now available for the Amazon Kindle as a guided view comic. Honestly, this format is such a neat way to read a comic, with each expanded panel popping up one after another. This book has been published on paper since 2008, but this is an entirely new way to read and enjoy it. It looks very beautiful on my Kindle Fire, I must say. Unlike Comixology comics, I did all the panels cuts myself, and tweaked everything to my standards. This was the first time I attempted to make an entire graphic novel fit this format, but I did, and it’s available!

(In case you are wondering, I am also going to adapt the second and third trade-paperbacks to this format. It takes time, so I’ll do it as I can. My sketchbooks should follow soon thereafter.)

Speaking of Comixology, I should note that issues no. 12 through no. 14 of “Johnny Saturn Unlimited” are now available. That means issues no. 16 and 17 should be close behind! It takes a while, because the good folk at Comixology have to go through and split every book into panels, creating the guided view experience. It’s worth the wait.

Recently, I did an interview with Jim Zoetewey for the Pen and Capes Society’s podcast “Throwing the Gun.” Jim is a superhero prose author as well, and he writes the “Legion of Nothing.” I did the interview to promote “City of the Broken Gate,” but we ended up covering a lot ground. I’ll let you know when the interview is up.

Sometimes I miss doing the “Johnny Saturn” webcomic, but it is wonderful to see all my various publishing projects coming to fruition. The webcomic was incredibly time consuming, and it left time nothing else, not even its own promotion! Without it, I’m able to read again, draw in my sketchbook, sometimes watch shows (Daredevil, Penny Dreadful, etc.), and spend more quality time with my lovely wife, Benita. I will return to making comics, and may even return to making a webcomic at some point, but it’s going to be a while.

Have a great week! Scott.

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