As some might have noticed, I have spent the majority of 2017 with a low profile. There are several reasons for this.
- Much of my professional art work has been for other clients than myself, and thus I am not at liberty to show off what I’m doing.
- Many of my creative projects have taken a long time to complete, or are still in production.
- My day job kicked my ass.
So, here’s what’s on the plate for 2018:
- I’m going to get the Black Dirigible finished and published. My co-creators have waited long enough for this, I can assure you. Initial publication of this will be as the single issues “Spire City Noir” no. 2 and no. 3.
- Before the “Spire City Pulp” material (aka “Hauntings” and “Black Dirigible”) can get the trade paperback treatment, I need to write one more story for a guest artist to draw. I haven’t made up my mind on this one yet.
- The “Spire City Pulp” anthology of prose short stories and novelettes has been on hold a long, long time. Every time I come close to wrapping it up, I think of another short story I need to write to add to it. In 2018 enough is enough, and it’s time to put a bow on this. I am wrapping up my novelette “Skorned” right now, and the story I’ve tentatively titled “Fangs” is well underway.
- I am doing a lot of covers and commissions for other creators this year. In fact, I’m going to make my cover art a more prominant part of this website. I’ve done a lot of it over time, and it’s becoming more and more of a thing. It’s time for me to aknowledge it.